Captain James Cook (1728 – 1779) discovered and explored New Zealand in the year 1769. It was then he got aware of the Manuka bush. Because of its resemblance to tea bushes he already knew, and because the Maori people brew a medicinal tea from the Manuka tree leaves, Cook referred to it as the tea tree. This name is still used today besides the scientific name which is; Leptospermum scoparium. There are three species of the Manuka bush and a variety of cultivars are often found in gardens.
Captain Cook wrote about this plant in his book: 'A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World'
"the leaves were used by many of us as a tea which has a very agreeable bitter taste and flavour when they are recent but loses some of both when they are dried. When the infusion was made strong it proved emetic (induced vomiting) to some in the same manner as ‘green tea’"
Since earliest times in New Zealand, the Maori people have used the Manuka plant as part of their traditional medicine. Various parts of the plant are used to treat burns, wounds, skin disorders, colds, fevers and digestive ailments.
"This Healing Honey of the Tea Tree" possesses strong antimicrobial properties and powerful antibacterial agents.
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